How washing your hair can be therapeutic

Photo by Jernej Graj on Unsplash That's according to a recent article in The Guardian by Jess Cartner-Morley. Many of us may often feel like washing our hair is part of a long list of to-do's like doing laundry or cleaning the house or clipping your nails, but hair washing has long been seen as a form of relaxation. The act of running water over your head, applying shampoo, massaging it in and rinsing out can make a person feel like a burden has lifted and that you're ready for a fresh start. In some tropical countries outdoor showering and...
5 Smart Ways To Spend Your Stimmy

Happy Crownaversary!
natural hair natural hair news The Crown Act The Root

Black Lives Matter
Like many of you all we've been shook by what's been happening in our country. Sadly we haven't been surprised but there was a part of us that thought that it couldn't get any worse than a global pandemic. Well apparently it could. Layer on top of Black people disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, incidents of police deliberately killing unarmed Black people and you have the makings of firestorm. Our country is in a moment of reckoning. As a small Black owned business we've been struggling with what our role should be during this time. With full transparency, our brick and...
5 Reasons Your Product Isn't Working

Product fatigue from trial and error is a real thing. Many naturals go through tons of products during their journey with the goal of finding a miracle in the bottom of the jar. But often many of us end up feeling disappointed and bamboozled and left wondering if it's the product or if it's just you. These continued failures often leave naturals deflated, wanting to cut their hair or even returning back to the creamy crack. We've all been there, so let's talk about some of the main reasons for so called product failure. 1. You have product buildup: The...