Today marks one year since California passed The Crown Act; legislation that prevents people from being discriminated against for wearing our natural hair. Other states such as Colorado, Minnesota, Virginia and Washington have gone on to join the movement by passing their own versions of The Crown Act. While The Crown Act has been praised for making progress in the area of civil rights, many of us (Product Junkie included) feel like it's a shame that in this day and age we still have to fight to wear the hair that grows out of our head.
At Product Junkie we aim to mainstream natural hair and to help our community create easily attainable natural hair styles that help you feel beautiful. We believe natural hair is professional, it is classic, it is iconic and frankly it's whatever you want it to be.
We hope you get some time to celebrate all your natural beauty this weekend. To read more about The Crown Act check out this article from The Root's Maiysha Kai titled: The 4th of Who? On July 3, We Celebrate National CROWN Day
Product Junkie